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Skin Care & Products for Women in their 20's

As people age, so does their skin. Whatever product was used to care for very youthful skin may not be the best product for skin in their thirties, forties, fifties and beyond.

What you use during your twenties, however, can be very important in your mature years. Good quality products will give you a strong foundation for your skin so that decades later, your skin still looks smooth and supple and years younger than your chronological age.

High quality skin products used in younger years provide the building blocks for skin care in middle age. During your twenties is also the time to develop good habits taking care of your skin.

The Biggest Culprits Of Skin Agingskin tight body firming lotion

First and foremost of causes of wrinkles and dulling of skin is exposure to sunlight. The higher the exposure time, the worse it is for your skin. Ultraviolet rays are filtered less and less with a diminishing ozone layer. Your skin receives the brunt of it in the form of wrinkles, brown spots and a leathery appearance. Applying a sunscreen before you go outdoors is a must to prevent premature, or at least delay, aging of your skin. The lowest SPF on your sunscreen should be twenty-five although higher is better.

What To Do For Protection

After the damaging actions of sun on the skin, the number two spot is held by cigarette smoking. Smoking gives skin a gray appearance and causes many wrinkles around the soft skin surrounding the eyes and mouth. In fact, people who never smoked will not show evidence of vertical wrinkles that extend from the lips into the face or down toward the chin. Smoke saps the color of youth and vibrancy from skin, leaving it dull, dry and sallow looking.

How About My Diet?

Drinking lots of water will keep your cells hydrated and plump. It also washes out any poisons that may be flushable from your system. Fruits and vegetables, as well as limited amounts of meat, fish and dairy will give you a balanced diet to provide your cells with all the nutrients they need for cellular repair and turnover.

Hygiene Is Important

Wearing make-up during the day is fine. In fact, some make-up has SPF right in it, which is very helpful in protecting your skin. Before you go to bed, however, you must get into the habit of cleaning your face, not only of make-up but also of the grime and smog from the air that will settle into pores. This helps to prevent blemishes and keeps your skin glowing. Using gentle, non-allergic cleansing foam will leave your skin feeling clean and fresh.

What To Look For In Skin Care Products

A good skin cleanser and toner will be important to your cleaning regimen. Unless you have tried a product before and you know you are allergic to it, look for any cleanser that is mild and makes your skin feel great.

A toner or astringent will minimize any enlarged pores. You should also use a light moisturizer and firming lotion that has zinc oxide in it after you have cleaned your skin. For acne prevention, a product with salicylic acid will be very helpful. You can also use products that list benzoyl peroxide in the list of ingredients. These will clear your skin from minor blemishes and keep your skin smooth and healthy.
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