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What is Sebustop?

Developed specifically for treatment of acne and oily skin, Sebustop is a fast-acting, botany-based (phyto-active) compound formulated from burnet roots and rhizomes, ginger rhizomes, and cinnamon tree bark.

It is manufactured and marketed under the trade and brand names of Sebustop, Sebustop UP, and Sebustop PROV – each with minor variations of the base formula using either Butylene Glycol or Propanediol as organic compounds working as humectants (moisturizing), conditioning agents, and to aid dissolution of oils.

It is commonly used in acne treatments like Acnetene for acne face wash, acne moisturizers, and spot treatments and exfoliants to inhibit (detoxify and antiseptic) bacterial infection, minimize pores, and to reduce oiliness of skin, irritation and inflammation.

Primary Benefits

  • Reduction of excess sebum (skin oil) and regulation of sebaceous gland secretions
  • Reduction and minimization of skin pore size – in as little as 15 minutes
  • Antiseptic and disinfecting properties that significantly reduce proliferation of bacteria and infection


Researched and developed by Solabia Group in France, Sebustop is one of the most effective naturally derived ingredients for reduction of sebum (oil), controlling sebaceous secretions and for inhibiting bacteria proliferation. It is a superior active ingredient for treatment of acne, pimples and blemishes for its ability to reduce pore size discouraging the growth of bacteria, yeast, and infection; and for its ability to control and reduce oily skin.

Sebustop is a natural plant extract complex free of preservatives and high in tannin, essential oils, and saponin; it is derived from Cinnamomun cassia, Zingiber officinale and Poterium officinale root and bark extracts (cassia, ginger, rhizomes of burnet); and, is effective for the reduction of infection, cleansing and purification of tissue, pore minimization and refinement, and regulation of sebum.


Sebustop effectively tightens, shrinks and reduces the diameter of the pore size inhibiting accumulation of bacterial infection, acne, and providing antiseptic results to purify skin tissue and limit the spread and development of “staph” infections and acne-causing bacteria.

A primary action (effect) of Sebustop is ability to limit or reduce overactive secretions of sebaceous glands – a primary contributor to acne and pimples. Also known as hyper-seborrhea, excess secretion of oil cause pores to dilate trapping dirt, yeast and bacteria – leading to several types of bacterial infections, obstructing pores (blackheads) and causing inflammation, pustules, redness and irritation.

Clinical Studies

Several in vitro studies have been conducted measuring the effectiveness of Sebustop. Test subject volunteers were compared to controls and placebos using formulas with intensities ranging from 2% to 5% concentration with observations ranging from 24 to 72 hours.

Pore diameter reduction -11%
Inhibition of pore dilation -6% to -32%
Inhibition of bacteria
Staphylococus aureus -12.4% to -86.5%
Propionibacterium acnes -82.0% to -92.0%
Staphylococcus epidermidis -73.2% to -86.6%
Source: Solabia Group 2004

In plain English, the result chart above tells us Sebustop does several important things with regards to acne treatment;

  • One, it reduce oiliness. Oily skin traps yeast, dirt, contaminants and promotes infection and bacteria. So, reducing oiliness is good.
  • Two, it shrinks the size of pores. The larger the pore (diameter, size, etc.), the easier it is for them to become infected and clog. Plus, larger pores are visible and may make your complexion look rutted and rough.
  • Three, it kills and inhibits infection. In its simplest form acne is a skin infection - that's what whiteheads (zits and blemishes) are...