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Differences Between Psoriasis And Eczema

Eczema and psoriasis are both fairly common skin conditions which cause itchiness and discomfort.

Doctors have also seen cases of both diseases rise in the past decade. While both psoriasis and eczema show similar characteristics and diagnosis signs, it is important to realize that they are two very different conditions because the two are treated differently. Dermatologists themselves have had trouble differentiating the two from each other; however by researching the topic you can accurately diagnose which condition is present to ensure the proper treatments are being used to cure your condition.

While digging deeper, remember that you are not alone as an estimated 21 million people in the United States have one of the aforementioned illnesses. There are also massive databases and resources to help you get through your bout.

Recognizing The Differencespsoriasis treatment spray

Before the differences between the disorders can be fully understood, one must know how the two are similar. It is possible that the condition you have is not even psoriasis or eczema. Both conditions can develop at any age and are often triggered by stressful situations or poor nutrition. Scientists have still not found a long term cure to either disease as well. You should check with your dermatologist to make sure what you have is not an allergic reaction or an insect bite.

Now, how you can distinguish the two? First, there are some visual signs that can give you clues to what condition is plaguing you. Psoriasis consists of dry pink patches covered in silver scales. Eczema on the other hand is more of a reddish color than psoriasis, and these lesions are known to ooze and be wetter than psoriatic lesions. However, in rare cases it is still possible to have dry patches of eczema.


The two conditions also differ in their positioning on the skin. Psoriasis typically appears on rougher areas of the skin such as your elbows, knees, and scalp, whereas eczema thrives on smoother skin such as your face, arms, and back. Because the two diseases appear on different locations of the body, it is actually possible to have both psoriasis and eczema simultaneously, although only a few cases of such have been reported over the past few years.

Lastly, psoriasis and eczema are thought to have two different causes. Eczema is known to be genetically passed down and is a hereditary defect. People who have many allergies and reactions are more prone to eczema. Psoriasis is more mysterious and the causes are still being debated, however the most reputable theory connects the disease to immune disorders.


There are no permanent treatments for either disorder known as of yet. It is important to practice good skin care to prevent these conditions from occurring. There are some psoriasis treatments used to alleviate symptoms of the two disorders, however there are always some side effects associated with these procedures.
  • Steroid skin creams (can cause immunodeficiency)
  • Topical immunomodulators (makes you more prone to infection)
  • Anti-inflammatory medication (loses effectiveness after continuous use)