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Diet Can Effect Acne Outbreaks

Diet and acne are interrelated. The foods you add or take away from your diet can have lasting effects on whether or not you suffer from acne. We have all heard that sugar and chocolate are the number one foods to avoid as are greasy items but this is not necessarily true. There are many other foods that will help or make worse the outbreaks you suffer from.
By using the right acne products and by knowing the right foods to eat and adding them to your diet, you could effectively rid yourself of the troublesome acne symptoms for good.

Sensitivity To FoodsAcnetene acne products

Research has indicated that some foods containing proteins including wheat, barley, milk, and corn have effects on the endorphin sites of the body. This means you feel something when you eat them.
Consider the foods you crave and see how you feel after you eat them. If you resist the urge to eat them you may feel bad. It will only take a few days for the negative effects to wear off and have you feeling better.
These same foods that your body may be sensitive to can be the same that causes acne. It is best to consult a nutritionist or health practitioner to help you find out exactly what foods might be the problem for you.

Foods To Avoid

Try reducing or eliminating these foods from your diet and see how you feel. Watch carefully and see if the acne you experience gets better. You should stay away from these foods for a time frame of two weeks to start. If you find that your health improves you may want to cut these out permanently. The first type of food to eliminate is wheat products such as cereals, breads, muffins and any other items containing wheat. Dairy is the next to remove.
This means yogurt, milk, and cheese products. Eggs are also a no-no food. Foods high in acids should also be avoided as they have negative effects on the PH balance of the body. Keeping the correct PH is essential to healthy skin.
Finally, foods that contain artificial ingredients can also hurt the balance of the body and cause acne to appear. Once you have eliminated these foods for two weeks, begin adding them back one at a time and watch how they affect your skin condition.

Foods To Add

Foods that should be included in a healthy acne free diet include fresh vegetables excluding potatoes, corn, and tomatoes as they fall into the list above. Fresh fruits are also a good addition. Rice, quinoa, and buckwheat are added nutrition for a healthy face. Oats, barley, and rye are replacements for the lack of wheat products. Beans and lentils give you the good protein you need. Meats and fish that are fresh will also boost protein.
An acne skin care regimen does not and should not be confined to skin products per se, though they are very helpful and effective, but we should also be mindful of what and how we eat. Fresh fruits and vegetables have been proven to not only provide daily nutrition, but they can be full of antioxidants and purify and detoxify the skin.