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How Is Seaweed Extract Helpful For Psoriasis?

It is not uncommon for people from the ages of 15 to 25 to experience some form of psoriasis, but it is a problem that can affect anyone.

The problem with psoriasis is that it is also a problem that people have to deal with their entire lives. It can be dormant for a couple of years and then show up again. As of now there is no known cure for psoriasis, but on the good side it is not a contagious condition and many of its symptoms can be treated effectively.

Though there is no cure, there are ways to relieve the symptoms either with psoriasis treatments - oils, creams, foams, etc. or with home remedies. There are several oils and extracts that are believed to diminish symptoms - tea tree oil, emu oil, argan oil and extracts from seaweed. You will be able to control the itching and the burning while at the same time reducing the redness it brings. One of those treatments is the use of seaweed extract.

Why Seaweed?Psoria psoriasis treatment

Seaweed extract is not something new and can be found in several effective psoriasis treatments. It has been known for a long time as a healing element for a lot of conditions and psoriasis is no exception. There are a few reasons it works. First of all, it is chock full of helpful minerals for your body and skin. Additionally, the salt and other minerals in go a long way to help exfoliate which will aid in the condition and it detoxifies the skin. It is full of amino acids and essential vitamins that will help with psoriasis.

Some people will tell you that they feel a lot better and their skin is healthier after a good swim in the ocean and that is because there are nutrients in the water that help skin. Seaweed is one of the best examples of items that contain nutrients to alleviate skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. In a lot of cases all you need to do is to take a seaweed extract bath to end up feeling a lot better. It can help you control the itching, scaling and flaking of the skin.

Effects and Benefits?

When applied on the skin of people suffering of psoriasis symptoms, seaweed extract has a lot of benefits. One of the best and most important benefits for people with psoriasis is that it gives the skin its moisture back.

If you had psoriasis in the past then you already know that part of the problem is the flaking and the itching. Those two happen mostly because the skin becomes dry. It can be used as a lotion, cream, spray, and in some cases it comes as a body wash. Seaweed extract also has vitamin C in it and that means that your cells will be protected as well as kept (kelp) healthy.

Bladderwrack Seaweed

Although seaweed in general is good to help you control psoriasis if there is one that is better than the others, then that would be bladderwrack seaweed.

When you ask a professional health expert it is very likely that this is the psoriasis treatment with seaweed extract that they will recommend. The reason this type is the most recommended is that it has all the nutrients that you need and the absorption rate is pretty good. You can find fucodan in bladderwrack seaweed and that helps keep any inflammation down. It can be used in the bath which is the most recommended way to do so, or it can also be applied as a paste or a lotion in the affected area of the body.